Vancouver Osteopathy

Osteopathy is based on understanding the relationship between structure and function in order to enhance the body’s inherent ability to heal. It relies on skilled manual therapeutic techniques to assess and treat the client, guiding the natural self-healing properties of the human body.

Techniques include soft tissue manipulation, osteoarticular technique, craniosacral therapy, and visceral manipulation. Although many of these techniques are used in other professions, what makes it unique is the philosophy of treating the body as a whole.


  • Acute or Chronic Pain,

  • Respiratory Difficulties: Cough, Asthma, Cold, Etc.

  • Digestive Issues: Heartburn, Gastric Reflux, Bloated, Constipation, Etc.

  • Stress, Anxiety,

  • Pre-Post Natal Care, Baby Feeding Issues, and many more!

Osteopathy Women's Health